Sunday, September 11, 2011


For the purpose of this assignment Yasu emphasised the importance of creating a 'story' to set the scene for our parliament entity.
Thus, continuing from the initial project that Josh, Keiren and I established.. i have chosen to continue along the disaster response mode of thought for the second project.

Focus on rural communities which have been cut off from society due to unpredictable disaster conditions i.e Floods & Fire.
My disaster Entity will be transported to the rural community via aircraft; Chinook or Globe-master. This selection of items will be pre-fabricated shipping containers which rest on large Box truss's that house essential services.
This entity will be assembled on site with the help of a mobile hydraulic trailer which is also transported by Chinook. The trailer rotates the shipping container into required position before sliding it off onto the Box truss to be secured. Once operational, the entity uses power and water from its own collection/storage supply which can be replaced or fixed when needed.

Why have i chosen to follow this path?
When a disaster strikes people rely on each other to get through the tough times. Out in the rural Australian outback things are no different in regards to thoughts and needs to that of the people in the big cities.
Thus, when Brisbane flooded last year i lost power for more than 48 hours.. i received a cash bonus from the government within the week. This is fantastic news for myself as i lost a lot of food and was physically lacking the comfortability of my home during the day and night time.

On the other hand, i have a close relative who lived in northern Queensland who lost part of their house due to the floods yet stil had not received and support from the government 2 months after the flooding had occurred. Not only that but the support from the government took 'way too long to arrive and begin helping restore order to the community' according to my relative.

Thus i'd like to create a more DIRECT DEMOCRACY giving people the opportunity to interact within my entity having their turn to meet directly with a parliament official or obtain some sort of live feed back to parliament to have their thoughts heard and acted upon.
Not only will my entity give a face to parliament but it will also meet basic needs of the Australian people... Food, water and power. The essentials when a community is on the balance of destruction.

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